Saturday, August 29, 2009

Open Letter to my Putter

Dear Putter,

Hopefully this letter finds you doing well. It has been a few years now since we have had a good relationship and I am reaching out to you to extend an olive branch in hopes of rekindling the fond days of yesteryear.

We used to walk hand in hand on the putting green. We were a team, nobody could stop us. We were confident and fearless, we could handle any conditions. No matter if the greens were fast, slow, smooth, bumpy, wet, dried out, aerated, uphill, downhill, Bent, Bermuda or Poa Annua we knew the ball was going into the hole. Nothing got in our way; not a spike mark, old pitch mark or a poorly cut cup we were invincible.

Those days seem light years away; with each day that passes the memories grow fainter. I just want to what I did wrong? I have treated you well. I never have thrown or kicked you, I bought you’re a nice little hat to wear, I treated you with kid gloves and made sure you were kept in mint condition, I only grace your face with the sweetest feeling Urethane Elastomer cover golf balls, I have provided you with a place to stay in the high-end subdivision where the Driver lives, I just gave you a new grip, what else can I give you?

You have treated me like a putter scorned and your devastating revenge of the missed short putts; terrible lag putts and the dreaded 3 putts are tearing our relationship apart. I know I left you in the bag as I stepped away from the game for a few years but I promise there was nobody else.

Hopefully we can rekindle the flame of the days gone by. I am just asking for one more chance.


Me and my 38 putts


  1. Me and my 38 putts...
    You don't need to scold your putter...eliminate those 3 and 4 putt greens...please check out my putting website at

  2. Sorry, that's


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